Small Pampas Bouquet with Gold Palm Spear
This small pampas bouquet is a wonderful alternative to completely neutral dried flower bouquets. Featuring a gold palm spear and gold wheat, this small bouquet still features those neutral tones and is elevated with touches of gold.
The details…
1 x small pampas bouquet with gold palm spear
30cm tall
Ideal for bud vases and small vases
Option to purchase with one or two palm spears
This small pampas bouquet is a wonderful alternative to completely neutral dried flower bouquets. Featuring a gold palm spear and gold wheat, this small bouquet still features those neutral tones and is elevated with touches of gold.
The details…
1 x small pampas bouquet with gold palm spear
30cm tall
Ideal for bud vases and small vases
Option to purchase with one or two palm spears
This small pampas bouquet is a wonderful alternative to completely neutral dried flower bouquets. Featuring a gold palm spear and gold wheat, this small bouquet still features those neutral tones and is elevated with touches of gold.
The details…
1 x small pampas bouquet with gold palm spear
30cm tall
Ideal for bud vases and small vases
Option to purchase with one or two palm spears
Please note that as this is a natural product, each stem is completely unique and will vary in weight, length and fullness.
Delivery Charges
Free Standard shipping on orders over £60
-Standard Shipping - Royal Mail Second Class (2-3 working days) - £2.50
-Express Shipping - Royal Mail First Class (1 working day) from £4.00
Once you have placed your Blush & Earth order, we aim to dispatch within 1 - 2 working days from the day the order is placed.